
2025 Rules and Rule Changes

US Lacrosse Education

4-1-2: Establishes that the clock will stop on the official’s whistle after each goal and when there is a foul called in the CSA during the last minute of each quarter.  

5-2 PENALTIES 1 & 2: Moves the free position from the center line to the spot of the ball when one player draws illegally and maintains that a re-draw will occur at the center line when both players draw illegally.

9-1 PENALTIES for Violation of 9-1a, b and e-r: 4a, b; 13 Definition of Terms: Eliminates the indirect free position for a minor foul by a defense player occurring in the 12-meter fan and allows the player fouled to shoot from a free position on the 12-meter fan.

10-1p, 13 Definition of Terms: Establishes player body and crosse positioning for a legal pick. 


10-1v(2): Expands the definition of a Rough/Dangerous Check to include checking an opponent’s hand.

10-1q(1): Expands the definition of Illegal Stick contact to include a stick held in a horizontal position that makes contact with an opponent’s body or crosse.

2025 Girls Lacrosse Points of Emphasis:

1. Use of the Green Card/Delay of Game

2. Managing Safe Play in the 8-Meter Arc

3. Offensive Fouls Inside the CSA

YOUTH ONLY CHANGES – Rules Distinct from High School

Self-Start (5-4-1) USAL Youth Rules will continue to require a player to momentarily pause when self-starting for appropriate skill development and game management.

10-1r USAL Youth Rules prohibits stick to body contact initiated by defense. This rule provides guardrails for the 14 and under athlete to develop a foundation of safe defensive skills.

2024 Girls Lacrosse Points of Emphasis

  1.  Dangerous Play in the CSA
  2. Sportsmanship
  3. Stick to Body Contact
  4. Professionalism

Other Resources

A condensed and easy-to-understand video explaining the shooting space rule in girls’ and women’s lacrosse.

Discussion of both legal and illegal contact with the stick and the body in girl’s lacrosse.

Improve skills thru time management, communication and positive interactions with coaches and players.

Additional insight into self-start protocol for girl’s lacrosse youth and high school play.

Quick reference page for pregame discussions for both high school and youth games

Contact MOWLOA


Bill Andrews
Phone: 614-600-7025

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